Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Sprint partnering with LG for its first 5G smartphone

Sprint, like the other wireless carriers in the United States, has its sights set on a 5G network rollout for the early part of 2019. And now it’s confirmed it’s already got plans for its first 5G smartphone, too.

On Tuesday, Sprint officially announced that it is teaming up with LG to launch its first 5G smartphone sometime in the first half of 2019. And that’s about it! Unfortunately, but perhaps not too surprisingly, Sprint isn’t providing any concrete details about the device just yet and the Life’s Good crew isn’t opening up on the upcoming smartphone, either.

It’s good to hear that Sprint will have at least one smartphone on the market ready to go when its 5G network starts rolling out. It’d be nice if there was more than one to choose from, and maybe we’ll hear more from Sprint in the months ahead. But for now we’ll just have to wait and see what LG has been cooking up with Sprint.

source: androidandme