Saturday, February 1, 2014

Unexpectedly, KitKat Available on the Sprint HTC One Despite Apology Letter


Ever since Android 4.4 KitKat was released on Halloween of last year, the race has been on for device manufacturers and carriers to deliver the update goods as expediently as possible. OK, fine—that last part (“carriers”) is a bit of a lie. But thankfully, they’re not completely resting on their laurels.

Just two days ago, we talked about HTC’s very public apology letter owning up to missing their self-imposed update schedule on the US carrier-branded variants of the critically acclaimed HTC One. In the public apology letter, John Mackenzie stated that updates would be expected to make their way to consumer devices within the next week or two. Now in a strange twist of fate, the official KitKat update is now available for the Sprint HTC One.

The update comes as software version 4.06.651.4. At present, it is only available for update via “customer initiated request.” In other words, it’s time to start mashing that “Check for Updates” button. Sprint’s support forums also state that the update will officially begin batched rollout on February 11th.

If you’re the lucky owner of a Sprint HTC One, make your way over to your device’s home forum and the 4.4.2 discussion thread to learn more. We’re glad to see that the update appeared on at least one US carrier variant by the end of their 90-day window, especially given the complexity of the update process mandated by carrier approval and the like. Good job, HTC. Now while you’re at it, give us support for the One X and One X+.

[Source: Sprint | Via PocketNow]

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