Wednesday, February 26, 2014

View Play Store Listings from Your Recent Apps Menu with Xposed Module


The power and versatility of the Xposed Framework is undeniable. Hundreds of projects are already available in the dedicated Xposed Modules Forum, but every day a few new creations are added. The level of creativity is really amazing, as developers modify almost everything that’s available to modify. This includes system settings and even certain versions of applications.

One such modification was recently developed by XDA Forum Member lj3lj3, who created a module that adds functionality to the recent apps menu. By default, when an application is accessed from the recent apps menu, the end user can close it or view its App Info page in system settings. Lj3lj3′s module now makes it possible to summon an application’s Play Store listing from this menu. As ViewinPlay is an Xposed Module, both root and Xposed Framework are required before getting started.

The module should work on KitKat device, and possibly Jelly Bean and Ice Cream Sandwich. The download and source code are available in the module thread.

source: xdadevelopers