Saturday, February 1, 2014

Learn How to Gerrit with a Handy Guide


Here at XDA, you might have noticed lots of ROMs with associated GitHub links. If you’ve ever wondered how to use it, you should visit Roofers Guide to Git or my guide posted some time ago. However, GitHub isn’t the only revision control system. There is another you should know: Gerrit, which is completely different beast.

Gerrit is a free, web-based team software code review tool. Software developers in a team can review each other’s source code modifications using a standard Web browser. It integrates closely with Git, which is a distributed version control system. You can view a sample Gerrit by visiting Omni or the main AOSP tree. In short, it’s great way to accept a new code from people not directly involved in the project.

If you’ve ever wondered how to use Gerrit, we have a good news for you. XDA Senior Member #Superuser wrote a handy guide for XDA-University and explained how to use this tool. With his guide, you will know Gerrit better, and you will be able to configure it and upload your patch sets containing changed code. It’s a powerful tool that can help you keep your project organized. So if you’ve never used it, you should consider installing it on one of your servers.

Without further ado, the guide can be found in the original thread. Go there and get a lot of +2s.

from xda-developers