Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Archos Announces New 7, 8, And 10-inch Oxygen Tablets Before MWC, All Running Android 6.0 And All Under $175 USD

archos 1Archos has kind of fallen off the radar in terms of tablet sales. Maybe it's different in Europe (Archos is a French company), but these days you won't see any of its products on American shelves. And considering the relative paucity of Android tablets in general as of late, that's a shame. Especially when you hear that Archos is making three new tablets at a variety of sizes and, miracle of miracles, they're all running the latest version of Android at launch.

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Archos Announces New 7, 8, And 10-inch Oxygen Tablets Before MWC, All Running Android 6.0 And All Under $175 USD was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

source: androidpolice