Top 5 most popular Android apps from last week: Card Wars, GrammarPal
Every week we cover new Android apps with Fresh Meat on Wednesday, followed by Android Gaming on Thursday and Top 10 App Updates on Friday. When Monday rolls around, we look back to see which apps were the most appealing to our audience. Read on for the five most popular Android apps from last week. These apps are ones that are most likely new and haven’t appeared in the top five list more than three times.
1. Card Wars – Adventure Time
App info: Floop the Pig! It’s Adventure Time CARD WARS! Play the game inspired by the Adventure Time episode, “Card Wars”! Summon creatures and cast spells to battle your way to victory.
2. Win 10 Launcher For Android
App info: Win 10 Launcher is here for you (Inspired by Windows 10®). Customize your phone with unique look and feel with the fast, clean and energy efficient Launcher. Surprise your friends with new look of your Android and also share it with your loved ones.
3. Professional resume & CV maker
App info: This resume builder app will collect all biodata format for job and will create the best resume template in PDF format. With this CV maker app you can send your resume from mobile before your HR interview.
4. GrammarPal
App info: GrammarPal checks your texts for grammatical errors. Unlike the spell checker that’s built into your phone, this app aims to also find all other kinds of grammatical errors. Be it spelling, style or any other form of error, GrammarPal helps you find and fix them.
5. Libby
App info: Meet Libby. Discover ebooks and audiobooks from your local library. Brought to you by OverDrive Labs. Did you know your local library has thousands of ebooks and audiobooks? You can borrow them, instantly, for free, using just the device in your hand.
Note: To ensure that all apps receive a fair chance to make the list, we will retire any app that has made the list for three consecutive weeks.
source: androidandme