XDA:DevCon ’14 Has Come and Gone
It seems like just yesterday we were picking Manchester, UK as the location for xda:devcon ’14, and like only hours ago we all arrived to begin setting up. Now with almost a week gone from the event, I thought it time to reflect on the great time we had.
Friday was a flurry of activity as we arrived at the hotel and started getting the Sponsors sorted with their locations, and the early registrations hooked up with their badges and loot bags (with a few of them ending up quite full by the end of the weekend). In the evening we had a great time with all the attendees at the Welcome Reception. The word on the street was that a lot of fun was had by members of the Community into the wee hours of the morning, so I am sure if you check you’ll find some pictures to that fact.
Saturday morning had us all up and ready to hear a great lineup of speakers including Jan Wildeboer from RedHat (he really does wear a red fedora all the time), Alin Jerpelea and Troed Sångberg from Sony Mobile, Adam Mosolygo from Oppo, Shane Francis, Andreas Göransson, Zachary Powell, Pablo Sun from MediaTek Labs, Daniel Holbach from Ubuntu, and Asa Dotzler from Mozilla. The After Hours sponsored by NVIDIA saw some great food and drinks followed by an inspiring panel discussion on “Wearables, Mobile Security, and Alternative OS’s” with Alan Pope from Ubuntu, Mimmis Cleeren from MediaTek, Asa Dotzler, Dario Incalza, Troed Sångberg, and David Greaves from Jolla.
Sunday morning saw plenty of sleepy eyes, but the main auditorium was full as everyone packed in to see MediaTek’s presentation on LinkIt One and their entrance into open source (look for more information on this in the weeks ahead). Following that we had Shane Francis, Alan Pope, David Greaves, MaR-V-iN, Alex Boag-Munroe, Dario Incalza, Ondrej Kubik from Ubuntu, and Greig all rounded out a informative and developer-centric conference.
Note: many of these sessions were recorded and will be posted on XDATV in the coming weeks.
None of this event, and the over £20,000 in giveaways, free food and open bar, wouldn’t be possible without our sponsors:
- Sony Mobile
- Oppo
- OnePlus
- MediaTek Labs
- Ubuntu
- Mozilla
- Jolla
- Spur
- Pebble
- LG
- Swappa
- Epson
- Kazam
- Seidio
- Fastboot Mobile
- Leaseweb
We are extremely thankful for each one showing their commitment to the Community, and we look forward to future endeavors, event, and partnerships to come.
Make sure to add any photos you took while at xda:devcon to our Google+ Event and check out the Twitter account and hashtag for all that was happening during xda:devcon.
The post XDA:DevCon ’14 Has Come and Gone appeared first on xda-developers.
source: xdadevelopers