RecoverX Goes Mobile
A custom recovery is one of those things that you will undoubtedly need if you wish to modify your device conveniently. While installing the recovery itself is not an overly complicated process, seeking out the appropriate version of your chosen recovery and the actual installation process can definitely be streamlined.
RecoverX is a utility by XDA Recognised Developer LEDelete that we covered here on the XDA Portal many moons ago. Previously used to install recoveries to a device from a PC, the application has since evolved into a much more convenient solution that allows you to easily download and install a custom recovery directly from the device itself. Providing you have a compatible device, root access and (if applicable) an unlocked bootloader, you are only a few clicks away from being able to install your choice of either CWM, TWRP, Amon-Ra recovery or xrecovery—assuming of course that these provide support for your particular device.
The application itself is a simple, clean, and very easy-on-the-eyes interface that leads you through the download and installation process before giving you the option to reboot to your newly installed recovery. The app is currently still in beta, so the usual rules apply when taking this for a spin. LEDelete has even opened a Q&A thread in the forums for anyone with a question that may not be relevant to the actual development of the application itself.
You can learn more about RecoverX Mobile in the application thread.
from xda-developers