Joycity's Game of Dice gets updated with their holiday themed content
- Published on Monday, 21 December 2015 14:37
Joycity's Monopoly style board game called Game of Dice has received a Christmas themed update that brings with it a bunch of new content. For those of you not familiar with this game, the best way to describe it is monopoly with real-time multiplayer blended with TCG mechanics, and a few RPG elements for good measure.
Players roll their dice, move their piece along the board, and if they land on a property that isn't owned, you can buy it. If it is owned, you pay the player who owns it. You can build up your properties with a building that can be leveled up 4 times. At the beginning of each turn, players can choose to play a skill card. These have a variety of possible effects, which can either be used on you, or one of your opponents. As you play this game, you can level up your characters and dice for additional perks.
That is the short description of this game. The update today brings all kinds of holiday themed content to Game of Dice. There are special in-game events to celebrate the holidays and a new Christmas map. A new Craft menu has been added as well, making it easier to craft new characters, skill cards, etc etc. Guilds can now compete against one another with the new Guild Match feature every weekend.
Dice can now be enhanced to a new 6 star level and characters have also had their max grade increased as well to 5 star Diamond grade. Eight new skill cards have been added to the game and along with those, there is a new Holographic sticker system with the skill cards. Lastly, a new Luxury Shop has opened and all VIP benefits have been upgraded as well.
If you play Game of Dice, you can now download the update off of Google Play. If you don't have the game installed, you can grab a copy off of Google Play for free.
91,242 ratings
Offers in-app purchases
by JOYCITY Corp.
1,000,000 - 5,000,000 downloads
Appears in a list of New & Updated Android Games / Apps for Dec. 2015
source: droidgamers