Chromecast Audio turns any of your current home speakers into smart speakers
- Published on Tuesday, 29 September 2015 11:31
While this isn't really gaming related, we might as well cover the last piece of hardware Google announced today during their event, Chromecast Audio. This is actually a pretty neat idea that allows users to turn their current speakers at home into 'smart speakers' basically. The whole thing works almost the same as normal Chromecast, except it is for music.
Users will plug their Chromecast Audio device, which is also featuring the new spherical design, into their current home speakers (or portable ones for that matter). Once plugged in, users will then be able to use the Chromecast app or any of the streaming music applications on Android to pump tunes into their speakers.
Connecting to your speakers is done through your standard jack. But what if you don't have a standard jack you ask? Well it also supports RCA and Optical Audio connections as well. It is completely plug and play, so after connecting your Chromecast Audio to your speakers, you're good to go.
Chromecast Audio is also available as of today for $35 as well over at Google Store. This, however, is only available in black. In a matter of days you can soon be sitting dangerously on a rooftop with a bunch of your friends listening to music, as seen below.
Google Store: Chromecast Audio
source: droidgamers