Thursday, January 30, 2014

Google Glass faces driving ban in seven states

Nate Swanner

On the heels of the California driver who was ticketed for driving with Glass, a new bill has been introduced asking that all wearable computers be banned during operation of a vehicle. The bill, introduced by Wyoming Senator Floyd Esquibel, is aimed at safety.

“Common sense would tell you that you really don’t need to look at a little computer while driving, that it endangers you, your passengers and other drivers” Esquibel said of the bill. The bill will be entertained is legislature this February, when new bills are heard. If it sounds like something for Wyoming alone, it’s not. Several other states are reportedly interested as well.

The sparsely populated state has the company of six others in this proposed ban. Delaware, Illinois, Missouri, New Jersey, New York and West Virginia are also interested, says the National Conference of State Legislatures. Thogh newly introduced, the bill has merit, and the attention of many concerned states. After headlines of Cecilia Abadie’s ticket and subsequent dismissal, many began pondering whether Glass - or any other wearable device which was in the line of sight while driving — was safe.

Esquibel also has a history of safe driving initiatives. A member of the state Senate transportation panel, he successfully got Wyoming to ban texting while driving in 2010. For fans of Glass, it’s a potential set-back to making the wearable attractive to a wide audience. We’ll keep an eye on this one to see just where it takes us come February.

VIA: Reuters

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