Vainglory's new free hero rotation is available for this week featuring Skaarf, Glaive and more
- Published on Tuesday, 29 September 2015 12:54
Each week in Vainglory six heroes are swapped out with six new ones which are made available to play for free. This week's rotation features Skaarf, Saw, Fortress, Glaive, Ringo, and Koshka, making for a rather well-rounded mix of characters for new players to try out.
Depending on how you prefer to play Vainglory, whether you like being a tank-type of player, a more DPS oriented player, or a Jungler, there is a hero for you to use this week. One of the great aspects of Vainglory is that each hero actually has their own background and lore to them. For example, Skaarf has four chapters you could read through about his background and the lore behind him.
If you're new to Vainglory, picking the correct hero that matches your play style if very important. If you like dealing high damage, you might want to consider using Saw. However, keep in mind that even though Saw's output on damage is one of the highest, this comes at the expense of mobility. So if you hate being stuck or slow, don't pick Saw.
You can check out this week's Vainglory rotation in more detail over on the Vainglory blog.
Source: Vainglory Blog
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