Friday, May 15, 2015

Konami Shifting Focus to Mobile

Published on Thursday, 14 May 2015 11:07
Written by Zack Kaplan

A recent interview with Konami CEO Hideki Hayakawa revealed Konami's plan to focus on mobile games.

 In the interview, Hayakawa says that "Mobile is where the future of gaming lies," although he does mention that they "hope" games like Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain will do well. He also stated that Konami is considering how they can bring their franchises to the mobile space. One of their main inspirations for moving to mobile is their success with Power Pro games and selling additional content.

This news comes after much uncertainty with Konami. The cancellation of Silent Hills, and the subsequent removal of P.T. from digital storefronts like the PlayStation Store along with Hideo Kojima (the creator of Metal  Gear) allegedly leaving the company. I can't say many people will be thrilled with this decision. The Metal Gear Solid series, is one of my favorite franchises so I hope whatever the future holds for Konami bodes well for the series.

Zack Kaplan
Zack Kaplan - Zack Kaplan is a games journalist if you want to call him that, he enjoys covering news stories and giving his opinion on video games with the hope someone somewhere will read it. A formerly Nintendo only gamer, he now plays on numerous platforms, including of course Android. Besides DroidGamers you can find his writing at Nintendo World Report and his own personal site Gamer Thoughts
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source: droidgamers