Friday, May 15, 2015

Get your old-school RPG on with Knights of Pen & Paper 2

Published on Thursday, 14 May 2015 12:46
Written by Ryan Ballard

Released by Paradox Interactive, Knights of Pen and Paper franchise is from a time period of gaming that hails back to the old (pardon the redundancy) pen and paper days of yore, though there's a bit more to look at.

For the uninitiated, players will create their characters, level them up, and play through a traditional a RPG game, where the characters sit at a table with a Dungeon Master, and play through the role play in a more traditional fashion, though things like enemies and maps are seen within the game. Players have control over how the game room looks, what side quests they'll take, and so forth. The newly released Knights of Pen and Paper 2 follows that format established in the original, but with some small changes and additions. For example, the original was done in 8 bit whereas the sequel is done in 16. Another addition to the sequel is that it now includes Dwarves and Elves, as well as expansions to the equipment and crafting systems. Here's the bullet list:

Main features

  • The ultimate retro role-playing simulation - again!
  • Fully customizable party, from the players to the game room.
  • Expanded equipment and crafting systems.

All-new campaign featuring dozens of locations, side quests, and dynamic dungeons.

The game is available on Google Play for a $4.99, and also offers IAPs


GP Link:

Ryan Ballard
Ryan Ballard - Having jumped onto Android from the burning wreckage known as Palm OS in Nov of 2009 with the original Motorola Droid, Ryan has been a fan of gaming on Android. Beyond that, most any other platform will serve (PC, PS3, SNES, tabletop, CCG, etc). Outside of gaming, he appreciates heavy metal, and super-hot Buffalo wings. He's married with two kids.
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source: droidgamers