Gamevil fully releases RPG Dragon Blaze
- Published on Tuesday, 12 May 2015 10:48
Gamevil's latest release Dragon Blaze, is now out on Google Play.
As a fantasy RPG, players will look to save all of humanity from destruction. Since the return of the dragon king named Deathcrown, dragons have been at war with humans. Players will assume one of the handful of different roles available, and will recruit and trainother characters to assist in ending the war, with numerous battles along the way.
- A playable fable accompanied by strategic role playing elements and a unique art style
- Begin your journey by choosing a main character between a Knight, Archer, Priestess, Rogue, and Mage
- Collect hundreds of allies and playable characters that appear in the storyline
- Form a party of 5 and take your allies across your journey to aid you in defeating enemies
- Enhance your battle tactics and strategize unique party formations
- Raid bosses in real time with other players around the world for rare items
- Challenge other players in the Arena
- Battle against waves of enemies in the Labyrinth
The game allows players to participate in Quest and Guild systems, as well as level up, equip weapons, and acquire both passive and active skills.
The game is available from Google Play to download for free, but does include IAPs
GP Link:
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