Thursday, January 29, 2015

Google Chrome Beta for Android updated to support pull-to-refresh

Working with a beta app on your device may mean living on the edge a bit thanks to unfinished software not meant for the masses quite yet, but it also means you get new features ahead of everyone else.

Late on Wednesday, Google announced an incoming update to the beta version of Chrome for Android, bumping the version number up to 41.0.2272.34 and adding a nice little feature: pull-to-refresh. With this, reloading a web page will be as simple as dragging the page down until a visual identifier indicates it’s time to release it. Google says it will work on “most pages.”

Reloading a web page in Chrome right now means tapping on the three-button overflow key at the top right, then tapping another burging, but for anyone who really doesn’t want to go through any extra steps to reload a page, Google at least has another option.

Are you using the Chrome beta app for Android?


source: androidandme