Wednesday, June 18, 2014

You can count LG out of the next Nexus race, if there is one

Considering the recent rumors surrounding the Nexus program and Android Silver, the program rumored to replace it, today’s news shouldn’t come as much of a shock. But it’s worth diving into anyway. Android Police is reporting that after reaching out to LG’s Communications Director Ken Hong, they can confirm LG is not making the next Nexus. They can’t confirm, however, if LG is making a device for the Android Silver program.

When pinged on whether or not LG was making a Nexus device, presumably one that would be released at Google I/O or this fall, and the future of the Nexus program, Hong said, “We’re not really sure what the status of the Nexus program is. We’ve been hearing a lot of speculation about its future but that’s a Google decision, not LG’s. As of today, there are no Nexus devices in our immediate pipeline.” When pressed further on Android Silver, Hong could only say, “Google would be in the best position to answer this question since I cannot confirm or deny LG’s involvement in any program which to date has only been speculation.”

With Hong giving such a direct answer on whether or not LG is making a Nexus device, you have to believe he knows what’s going on in that regard. But that doesn’t mean that the Nexus program is dead, and his response on Android Silver doesn’t confirm those rumors either. Only a week now until we hear more directly from Google. It should be an exciting I/O.

source: androidandme