Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Virtual Reality with the Oculus Rift is Still Coming to Mobile Devices, But it is Being "Held Back" With a Focus on "Polishing It"

Published on Monday, 16 June 2014 09:34
Written by Zack Kaplan

The Oculus Rift was at one point solely focused on gaming. Since the company behind it, Oculus VR, was purchased by Facebook things have changed with social media playing a role in its future along with games. There are still plans to bring the Oculus Rift to mobile devices, as in Android devices.  When questioning Oculus VP of Product Nate Mitchel on their concern that mobile devices would not provide the power the Rift needs, and would provide a sub-par experience he had some positive statements to give on its future with Android products.

Although Nate Mitchel acknowledged their concern he stated "The fidelity that you can experience on mobile is pretty killer." He says they are currently  "holding it back." and "focusing on polishing it [the SDK] to get to the quality level it needs to be before we release it more broadly." Along with mentioning the many devs working on games "it is in the hands of some key game developers who are working with it now -- are making great progress." So in total Virtual Reality is coming to Android devices, eventually.

Website Referenced: Engadget

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source: droidgamers