Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Verizon no longer activating 3G-only phones

Verizon previously announced that its CDMA network is not long for this world. The network would be shut down at the end of 2019 and the spectrum used for the more modern parts of the Verizon network. Since most people are on the 4G LTE network anyway, the effect on customers is likely to be minuscule.

To continue the phase out of the 3G network, Verizon no longer activates 3G-only devices. If you try to bring a 3G-only device to a Verizon store, you’ll be denied. A few people have tried and been turned away. Here’s the official statement from Verizon:

“For several years we’ve been been publicly saying that our 3G CDMA network will remain available through the end of 2019. Virtually all traffic on our network is on our 4G LTE network.

To facilitate a smooth transition to 4G LTE capable products and services, we are no longer allowing devices that are not 4G LTE capable to be activated on our network.”

With 4G LTE being the standard for many years now, there is little reason to activate a 3G-only device at this point. Even feature phones with 4G LTE support are available. The spectrum from Verizon’s 3G network can be used to benefit the existing 4G network rather than be wasted on legacy support. If you’re a Verizon customer still using a 3G-only device, it’s time to upgrade! You have a little over a year left.

source: androidandme