Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Google Play Services update fixes ‘Check for Update’ button

Android’s “Check for Update” button has been around for ages, but its functionality has been subject to skepticism. The root of the issue is that the button wouldn’t actually speed up your place in the update queue. If you were already part of the current rollout group, you could use the button to install the update immediately, but the button did nothing if you weren’t in the current update group.

The issue recently became widely publicized when Google promised that Nexus and Pixel owners could actively prompt an update with the button. That promise, however, was premature, as a Google Play Services update again reverted the feature back to its traditional status.

But Google is working to make things right. In the latest version of Google Play Services (v12.2.09), the “Check for Update” button is back in action on Nexus and Pixel devices. Users can press the button to prompt an update immediately, even if they weren’t in the current update group.

Have you tried out the feature with the February Pixel security update? If you have a Nexus or Pixel device, let us know if the button is working for you!

source: androidandme