Tuesday, December 12, 2017

You can now follow hashtags in your Instagram feed

The hashtag is a quick and easy way to find a topic, a feature that works across social media. The hashtag has become ubiquitous at this point, especially on platforms like Instagram. Now Instagram wants to make it easier to keep tabs on the things you love.

Announced today, you can now follow a specific hashtag right in your Instagram main feed. It’s a quick and easy way to keep tabs on the things you like, and gives it a more of a community boost by finding images from other Instagram users that use the same hashtag.

This means that if you follow the hashtag “#slime,” you’ll see images from the top posts of that particular hashtag in your main feed. You’ll also be able to see the hashtags that people follow right on their profile, as long as they haven’t set their profile to private.

To add a hashtag to your main feed, you’ll just need to search for what you want to follow and then click on the “Follow” button to have the content appear in your main feed. You can unfollow a hashtag whenever you want.

The new feature is rolling out now globally, so you should be able to start following hashtags beginning today.

If that wasn’t enough, The Verge has a look at another new feature called “Recommended For You.” With this, Instagram will work to show you content from your friends as well as other Instagram users that it thinks you’ll like. This is taking advantage of an algorithm, so there will be a bit of a learning curve as you interact with shared images by either liking or commenting on them.

There’s no word on when Recommended For You will be rolling out just yet, but it is currently being tested.

Is following hashtags in your main feed something you’ve been waiting for?

source: androidandme