Friday, April 7, 2017

Sprint will sell LG G6 for half-off

The LG G6 is about to arrive on Sprint, and the Now Network has worked up a pretty eye-catching promotion to help sell some units.

LG’s flagship smartphone with its minimal bezels will launch for Sprint (and other carriers) on Friday, April 7. Sprint has confirmed it will sell the G6 for 50 percent off at launch. That means buyers will pay $14.75 per month for 24 months, or $354 in total. It will normally cost $29.50 for 24 months, or $708 in total.

The deal will be available not only for new customers that sign up for Sprint’s Unlimited Freedom plan, but also any existing customers that want to pick up the smartphone as well. Those existing customers will need to be on a qualifying rate plan and will need to be eligible for an upgrade to take advantage of the offer.

The LG G6 will be available in both Ice Platinum and Black when it launches at Sprint tomorrow.

Will you take advantage of this deal?

source: androidandme