Thursday, March 24, 2016

Top 10 Android app updates this week: Todoist, Talon

Welcome back to our weekly Top 10 Android App Updates column, where we take a look at the most frequently upgraded apps for the week. We’ve found that one of the best ways to discover useful apps is to find the ones that are actually being updated by the developers rather than selecting the apps with the most installs. As in the past, we’re going to filter out minor updates for the super-popular apps that have over 10 million installs, but we’ll make exceptions for apps that have had significant updates. We hope you enjoy this weekly feature and that you discover some apps that end up being useful.

S Health - Version

S Health

What’s new in this version:

  • Walking and running can be recorded automatically. (While cycling, only Auto pause can be used.)
  • Camera’s value recognition allows blood pressure and blood glucose to be recorded easily. (China)
  • Various integrated records supported in My page (Rewards calendar, Personal bests, Weekly summaries).


Android Wear - Version 1.5.0

Android Wear

What’s new in this version:

  • Ability to play sounds and take calls on watches with a speaker
  • Support for sending WhatsApp, WeChat, Viber, Telegram, and Nextplus messages with your voice or via touch
  • New wrist gestures to control your watch with one hand
  • Language options for Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese Chinese, Indonesian, Polish, Dutch, and Thai


Expensify - Version


What’s new in this version:

  • We’ve swapped out the Big Plus button for a Big Camera button that goes straight to SmartScan. (We noticed that’s all anyone was using it for anyways)
  • The new way to create other types of expenses is simply clicking the “+” button in the top right of the expenses list.


Google Text-to-speech - Version 2.13.0

Google Text

What’s new in this version:

  • Added support for Bengali (Bangladesh), Danish, English (Australia), Finnish, Hungarian, Norwegian and Mandarin (Taiwan).
  • Adds 96 voices: 3 male and 3 female variations for 14 already supported languages. These voices rely on new technology that is more CPU intensive, so they are not available on all devices.
  • A better voice for Indian English.
  • You can now leave feedback for us in the settings menu.


Todoist - Version 9.0.0


What’s new in this version:

  • Intelligent Quick Add now recognizes projects (e.g., #Android Launch) and assignees (e.g., +Goncalo)
  • Pull two tasks apart to add a task in the middle of your project lists
  • Sort your tasks by name, date, priority or assignee
  • Celebrate the end of your day with beautiful #TodoistZero screens and daily productivity stats
  • Enjoy full support for external keyboards
  • And dozens of polishing touches including text formatting (emoji shortcuts!) and notification sync across platforms


Google+ - Version


What’s new in this version:

  • Pin posts in your Collections
  • New design of Communities
  • Performance improvements and bug fixes
  • Improved navigation and overall experience for screen reader users


Google Drive - Version 2.3.631

Google Drive

What’s new in this version:

  • Reverse sort by file name, date or size
  • Edit your files in other apps and save them back to Drive
  • Performance improvements and bug fixes


Talon for Twitter - Version 4.6.0

Talon for Twitter

What’s new in this version:

  • Like and retweet a status from mention and favorite user notification buttons
  • Bundled notification support for mentions on Android N and Android Wear
  • Bundled notification support for favorite user tweets on Android N and Android Wear
  • Bundled notification support for activity on Android N and Android Wear
  • Add tweets pictures to mention notifications
  • UI Improvements


Photo Editor by Aviary - Version 4.5.3

Photo Editor by Aviary

What’s new in this version:

  • Create your own Stickers with Adobe Capture! If you install the Adobe Capture app (it’s free), you will see the Capture icon inside of our Sticker tool. You can use this to create your own custom Stickers from real life objects. Let us know what you think!
  • Performance improvements to Enhance, Sharpness and Adjust.


Google Photos - Version 1.16.0

Google Photos

What’s new in this version:

  • Introducing a better way to tell your story with new, smarter albums.
    After an event or trip, Google Photos will automatically create a new album curated with your best shots. Make it your own by adding maps, text, and more.


source: androidandme