Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Samsung Galaxy S7 ads show why we should care about water and the dark

It’s true that amazing things happen in the dark and water is pretty much everywhere. These facts are highlighted in two new Samsung Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 edge commercials, which were recently published to Samsung’s YouTube channel. Fortunately, the commercials take a lighthearted approach to both subjects, giving us a reason why we should care that the new Galaxy phones have improved low-light camera capabilities as well as protection from minor incursions with water.

My favorite line from the ads is “If you’re well below average-looking, your only chance of kissing an attractive person is… yep, in the dark.” Since that describes me, I’m definitely putting the Galaxy S7 at the top of my “must have” list so that I can take a picture of that moment if it even happens.

What’s your take on Samsung’s promotional approach to its two new flagship phones?

source: androidandme