Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Android N is changing up the notification shade

We’re likely still a ways out from seeing Android N officially announced, but leaks are slowly trickling in. Tonight’s leak is another one from Android Police, which has received a look at Android N’s notification shade and created mock-ups based on what it saw (the original screenshots can’t be released). From what it looks like, Android N is bringing some changes to the notification shade and accompanying Quick Settings panel.

Notifications now extend the full width of the display and don’t feature a separated space between them. They contain slightly more information, such as a line revealing which app produced the notification. There also appears to be some capability for colored text now, though it’s unclear how far it extends.

Android N Notification Shade

Quick Settings have also seen a change. Above the notifications, there now lies a bar of Quick Settings toggles for the most common Quick Settings, such as Wi-Fi and Do Not Disturb. Opening the full Quick Settings menu reveals that it has also become full-width and features two pages to allow you to move less important toggles to the second page. There’s also an edit button, which is likely an expanded version of UI tuner options. Android Police also reports that the expandable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth menus were not in the version that it tested.

It should be noted that this is likely an early version and everything in it is subject to change until an official launch by Google. That being said, it’s interesting to see how Google may be changing Android. We’re looking forward to learning more in the coming weeks and months.

Check out the source link for a couple more mock-ups.

source: androidandme