Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Chromecast app renamed to Google Cast, new Vizio TVs to come with Cast built in

Google Cast, the technology behind the Chromecast we all know and love, has grown into much more than just part of a single streaming device. It’s now a technology used across many devices made by many manufacturers. It’s a great way of streaming content from mobile devices to the big screen, and some TVs even come with it.

To make the Chromecast app more in line with its uses, it has been renamed to Google Cast. Google and Vizio have also announced the new P-Series TVs, which not only include built in 4K Google Cast functionality, but also come with a 6-inch Android tablet for a remote.

The tablet remote is an interesting idea, since it can be used to stream content to the TV via different apps. The longevity of this tablet is a potential issue, but we’ll have to see how it works out. The Google Cast app will get its updated name on Android and iOS this week.

Sources: Google Chrome Blog, Vizio

source: androidandme