Be the first person to complete Purm the Game and net yourself $1000
- Published on Tuesday, 11 August 2015 16:25
Purm the Game from Diske Inc is an interesting little game. It is an endless worm flying game where you control Purm, the mighty worm who has managed to put a jetpack onto his back so he can fly around. You will need to avoid plenty of obstacles as well as not crashing in general, while trying to earn as many points as possible.
While this may be an infinitely flying game, there is a way to beat it. The problem is, the solution/directions to beating this game is encrypted within a riddle. Once you've managed to solve the riddle on how to beat the game, you will then actually have to beat the game using those directions. Why finish the game?
Well for one thing you can tell people you managed to finish an endless runner/flyer game and then you can sit back and watch them try to figure out what you're talking about. Probably with a sort of WTF type of look on their faces. The other reason is that if you're the first person to complete the game, the developers will apparently personally give you $1000, and that would be in real money, not play money. Needless to say, with $1000 on the line, finding the solution to beating this game won't be easy.
The soundtrack was done by OMFG for those of you curious. If you are up for the challenge, whether that be just trying to get the high score or trying to be the first to complete the game and score $1000 in cold hard cash, you can download Purm The Game off of Google Play for free. There are optional IAPs as well and using any of them also removes the ads (and gets you Ninja and Lazy worm) within the game as a side benefit.
11 ratings
Offers in-app purchases
by Diske Inc
50 - 100 downloads
Appears in a list of New & Updated Android Games / Apps for Aug. 2015
source: droidgamers