Select Sega Games Being Removed From Android Store Fronts
- Published on Monday, 11 May 2015 14:38
- Written by Zack Kaplan
Multiple Sega games are being removed from Google Play and the Amazon App Store. The titles in question are as of now unknown.
This news comes from a Sega blog post. The source for this news, Android Police , reached out to Sega, to find out the reasoning behind the removal. In short they are removing older games that were made for older devices. Due to "technological advancements" Sega as a company feels that players have higher expectations now.
This isn't the first time games have been removed by their publisher for specific corporate reasons from Android storefronts. This isn't the first time Sega has removed games for quality control, as this happened in 2010 in retail locations with some of the less than stellar (to put it nicely) Sonic titles. From a certain point of view, this move makes sense now that Sega is shifting focus to mobile. Still, it will be a bummer out there for somebody that the games will be gone.
Website Referenced: Android Police
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