Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Verizon More Everything changes coming tomorrow, including price cuts for many data tiers

Heads up, Verizon customers, because your big red carrier is going to be making some big changes to its More Everything plans tomorrow.

On February 5, Verizon will cut the price of most of its More Everything shared data plans. Many of them will receive $10 price cuts; for example, the 1GB plan that’s currently $40 will be discounted to $30, while the 4GB plan that’s now $70 will be discounted to $60. Verizon will also add 12GB, 14GB, and 16GB tiers into the mix.

Here’s how the More Everything offerings will look starting tomorrow:

  • 500MB: $20
  • 1GB: $30, previously $40
  • 2GB: $40, previously $50
  • 3GB: $50, previously $60
  • 4GB: $60, previously $70
  • 6GB: $70, previously $80
  • 8GB: $85, previously $90
  • 10GB: $100
  • 12GB: $110
  • 14GB: $120
  • 16GB: $130
  • 20GB: $140, previously $150

Verizon says that it’ll also extend monthly access discounts to customers that get a device on Verizon Edge financing and sign up for a More Everything plan of 6GB or higher. Those people will pay $15 per month instead of $40 to add a smartphone to a More Everything plan.

Finally, Verizon will give a $100 bill credit to any customer that ports their number to Big Red and buys a device on a Verizon Edge payment plan.

These More Everything price changes will go into effect tomorrow, February 5. Verizon says that both the price cuts and the port-in credit will be offered “for a limited time.”

source: androidandme