FCC Chairman shares another Net Neutrality proposal
FCC's Net Neutrality case isn't over yet. The commission has since faced a setback and a lot of people are actually expecting Tom Wheeler, Charmain of FCC, to rule in favor of ‘Net Neutrality’. Wheeler simply wants to keep the Internet free and open as much as possible. This Net Neutrality has long been an issue and various telcos have already said their piece.
A few years back, Verizon clearly disagreed with FCC. AT&T also responded to Net Neutrality concerns by releasing an informational video last year. T-Mobile didn't even agree to charging users for speedtests. People thought that the FCC proposal would change the Internet business landscape but looks like the commission would have to rethink of its plans.
FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler just laid out a blueprint for keeping the Internet free and open. Another proposal will be reviewed by other commissioners to reclassify mobile broadband companies like AT&T under Title II. Doing this will give the commission a stricter control of the issues.
This effort will also eliminate paid prioritization according to Wheeler. Once approved, companies will no longer will able to send information faster if paid for by the sender.He wants to modernize Title II and propose no rate regulations to keep broadband providers happy. He wants them to continually invest in their networks and improve on services to encourage more competition.
Wheeler's proposal is expected to watch existing providers and services more closely and carefully. More issues will come out but Wheeler has also proposed a general conduct rule of how providers should act. This proposal sounds fair and responsive. It seems it will bring more good news to the consumers but let's expect some form of opposition...as usual. Let's see how this story unfolds and how long this will go on.
VIA: SlashGear
source: androidcommunity