Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Beta Test the XDA 2015 Forum Redesign!


We’ve been hard at work on a complete redesign of the XDA forums and Portal. We wanted to build something that was clean, modern, fast, and that could manage to include a lot of useful functionality without feeling cluttered. While we’re not finished with the new forum template, which we’re calling “XDA 2015″, we’re close enough such that XDA members that want to can use the new template and help us find bugs and other issues before we make it the default template for all users. To see the new forum template, make sure you’re logged in, and click this link. You can always go back to the previous 2013 template (or any of our styles) with the style-picker in the bottom left corner of all forum pages. Please mention any bugs you find or requests you have in this thread. Over the coming weeks, we’ll be making many more changes to XDA 2015 to improve performance, readability, and functionality. We also have a few surprises coming, plus a totally new mobile experience on the way.

The post Beta Test the XDA 2015 Forum Redesign! appeared first on xda-developers.

source: xdadevelopers