Thursday, July 31, 2014

French telecom company Iliad challenges Sprint, bids for T-Mobile

T-Mobile is apparently a hot commodity. Way before the Uncarrier push, AT&T tried to buy out the company, which ended up failing. Now Sprint is trying come up with a deal to buy T-Mobile, though with the carrier now in a far better position, it has some leverage in such dealings. But now, it looks like there is another company trying to buy the magenta carrier.

French telecom company Iliad has now put out a bid of $15 billion for T-Mobile US, which would effectively give the company a 56.6% stake. This would prevent a merger of two US carriers, which would lower the number of US carrier choices to three. It would also provide extra funding for T-Mobile, something the company needs to provide serious competition to the bigger carriers.

Maybe an international buyer is exactly what T-Mobile needs. We don’t know, but we’ll keep a close eye on the bidding for T-Mobile. Whoever wins, we just hope T-Mo will continue working towards providing a better cell service to its customers.

source: androidandme