Wednesday, June 18, 2014

How to Run Firefox OS Apps on Android with Firefox for Android – XDA Developer TV


Here are XDA, we appreciate competition. Without Google competing against Apple’s (past) mobile dominance, we wouldn’t have the customization and innovative Android OS that we see today. But by the same token, Android could stagnate if there weren’t smaller dogs nipping at its heels. We’ve talked about Ubuntu Touch before. Today, we are going to talk about another option, Firefox OS.

In today’s video, XDA Developer TV Producer Jordan talks about the new announcement from Mozilla that Firefox OS apps can now run on the Firefox for Android browser. This opens up new opportunities. It keeps Google on its toes, and it gives HTML and JavaScript developers an entry point into Android. Watch as Jordan shows off how to install Firefox OS apps on your Android device. What are you waiting for? Check this video out!

Be sure to check out other great XDA Developer TV Videos

Check out Jordan’s YouTube Channel and Jordan’s Gaming YouTube Channel

The post How to Run Firefox OS Apps on Android with Firefox for Android – XDA Developer TV appeared first on xda-developers.

source: xdadevelopers