Monday, April 21, 2014

Google, Amazon and Apple fighting for game exclusivity

Apple and Google are two of the biggest players in mobile, with each company constantly working to improve its mobile software in the effort to win over consumers and gain market share. Building their own OSes aren’t the only watt that these two wireless titans are competing, though, as a new report claims that they’re also duking it out for the attention of developers.

Sources speaking to the Wall Street Journal say that Apple and Google have been working with top-tier game developers, promising them prominent placement in their app stores in exchange for periods of exclusivity on games. It’s said that Apple made deals with EA and ZeptoLab for exclusivity on “Plants Vs. Zombies 2” and “Cut the Rope,” respectively, and in exchange Apple gave the games featured them prominently in the App Store.

Meanwhile, Google has reportedly struck multiple deals of its own. One such agreement was with developer Game Insight, which involved the company offering discounts on in-game items shaped like the Android mascot in exchange for getting highlighted in a special part of Google Play.

Apple and Google aren’t the only companies that are trying to woo developers. Today’s report also alleges that Amazon is working with game developers in an attempt to strike exclusivity deals and make its Android-powered Kindle Fire tablets more appealing. Amazon is reportedly offering devs prominent placement in its own Amazon Appstore in exchange for exclusivity.

While having a quality OS is an important part of a mobile platform, having popular and high-quality apps are just as important. And while one or two specific apps may not be enough to convince a user to switch platforms, having access to quality apps and getting locked into an ecosystem are two big reasons for a person to stay with a platform.

Do apps and games have an impact on your decision to use your mobile platform of choice?

source: androidandme