Sunday, April 6, 2014

Galaxy S5 gets water tested, plus more

Samsung hasn’t marketed its Galaxy S5 as being ruggedized, but perhaps it should. Recently, we showed you a drop test in which the Galaxy S5 held up almost perfectly. The same team over at TechSmartt decided to put the Galaxy S5 to the test again with a water test/washing machine test. Samsung rates the S5 as being IP67 certified for water, which means that it can survive for up to half an hour in up to a meter (3.3 feet) of water. So how did it actually fare?

The S5 handled it flawlessly. While sitting in a pool at 3.3 feet for an hour, the Galaxy S5 continued to run the entire time and when taken out, worked perfectly with no signs of water leakage. With that success, the team took it even further by throwing the S5 into a pair of blue jeans and putting it into a normal cycle in washing machine. After fifty minutes of spinning, sloshing, and generally being tossed around in water and against metal, the Galaxy S5 came out working perfectly. Not only had it withstood water damage, but it also managed to keep the display fully intact. An impressive feat, to be sure.

What are your thoughts on the S5′s resilience? Does it make it more appealing?

source: androidandme