Saturday, April 19, 2014

Flo wants to make you a better driver, free of charge

Nate Swanner

A new Android app promises to help make you a better driver, but also wants to do so without having you pay for hardware sometimes associated with driving apps. Flo is an app that wants to do what many others before it have attempted, but requires little more than the app itself. Unlike competitors like Automatic, there is no expensive dongle to buy.

Flo aims to do what all other driving assistants do, and that’s improve your driving skills. By giving your demerits for things like hard braking, Flo wants to make you better — which could also help with some repair costs, and of course make it safer for everyone else. As you might expect, you earn points for smart driving to offset your terrible habits.

While Flo could have some benefits for your overall driving skills, the reliance on GPS means you won’t get any automotive feedback. Others that support a OBD plug-in for your car can give information on what your check engine light really means, or more accurate info on things like idle or engine temperature.

If you are intrigued by apps like Dash or Automatic, but don’t want to drop $100 on the hardware, Flo might be a good option. Free to use and well reviewed by users, Flo has some promise. We’ll be taking the app for a drive (literally) next week, so check back for our full review then.

Source: Play Store

source: androidcommunity