Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro and Note Pro review

Galaxy TabPRO and Galaxy NotePRO.

With its Pro line of tablets, Samsung adds yet another flagship brand, and bridges the gap between work and play

Introducing the Samsung "Pro" line, a sampling of the best tablet models Samsung has to offer complete with beefed-up specs, a shiny new coat of paint and the next iteration of TouchWiz. It’s yet another tangent for Samsung's tablets tablets, and it complements the Galaxy Tab and Galaxy Note lines as the company’s high-end brands for tablets.

All in all, there’s four models to choose from – the Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4, Galaxy Tab Pro 10.1, Galaxy Tab Pro 12.2, and Galaxy Note Pro 12.2.

But what exactly makes a Pro a Pro?

We’ve spent nearly two weeks on opposite ends of the spectrum with the Tab Pro 8.4, a compact and lightweight competitor to the iPad mini and the Nexus 7, and the Note Pro 12.2, Samsung’s largest Android tablet to date. Here, we’ll be looking at the lineup holistically, and exploring what sets these "Pro" tablets apart. 


source: androidcentral