Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Amazon smartphone could be AT&T exclusive

Amazon’s got an event coming up tomorrow and it’s widely believed that it’ll be announcing the first Amazon smartphone. This smartphone is said to feature four front-facing cameras that will track the user’s movement for a 3D UI effect. According to a new report from the Wall Street Journal, however, it could be that not everyone will have  a chance to experience this.

The WSJ is reporting that Amazon has signed an agreement with AT&T to offer Amazon’s smartphone as an AT&T exclusive. Whether this is a temporary or permanent exclusive, we know not. The deal makes sense, as Amazon is new to the smartphone game and has partnered with AT&T in the past on Kindle tablets. Sadly, though, carrier exclusives also hurt customers by either forcing them to switch carriers or else go without a device, most opting for the latter choice. We’ll keep our hopes up that this is a temporary exclusive and that Amazon’s smartphone will eventually make it to all of the major carriers.

What are your thoughts on carrier exclusives? Good or bad?

source: androidandme