Thursday, March 13, 2014

Keep Track of Your Recently Apps, Downloads, and Pictures with… Recent


I’d be willing to wager that the majority of our readers have well over 50 applications installed on their Android phones. I’d also be keen on putting some money down to say that most of us also have at least a few hundred megs of photos and downloads at any given time—and that all of this chaos has never really been sorted. Navigating through this sea of clutter is quite the task. But with XDA Forum Member uuOuu‘s application Recent, it’s about to become just a tad more manageable.

Recent increases your productivity by helping you easily locate what you’ve used recently. This can be recently installed applications, recently used applications, recently downloaded files, or recently stored pictures. So rather than fumbling through the app drawer or your 14 home screens for an app, your recently used and installed apps are always just a few taps away.

Recent can be launched one of two ways. You can manually enter the app and view all of the above information in a detailed list. However, the real beauty of Recent is its floating icon. By default once installed, Recent places a little floating icon on your screen that you can click to access a popup that then shows you all of your recently installed and used apps, downloads, and photos. This makes it so that you’re never more than a two clicks and a swipe away from what you’re looking for.

If you find yourself a bit lost with all of the apps and files on your device, you should give Recent a try. You can get started by visitng the application thread.

source: xdadevelopers