Monday, March 17, 2014

Cast Store showcases all Chromecast apps in one place, links back to Play Store

With the Chromecast SDK now open to developers, the device is getting more and more useful by the day. More apps are beginning to take advantage of this little streaming dongle’s possibilities in some unique ways. However, finding these apps can be a challenge; searching “Chromecast” on the Play Store can get you quite a lot of spam. Luckily, one developer has created an easier way to find Chromecast apps.

This is an app called Cast Store, which is just a user interface with an aggregation of all the Chromecast apps on the Play Store. In this app, you can see descriptions and ratings of these apps, as well as sort between categories and search for specific apps. It’s a very useful tool to find more apps for your new Chromecast. And when you’re ready to download the app, it will link back to the Play Store instead of hosting its own apps.

The app has ads, but those can be removed with a small in-app purchase. Hey, the dev has to make money off his work somehow. Hit the widget to download the app and start browsing through all the interesting Chromecast apps currently available! Tell us if you find anything cool; we’re always on the lookout for cool new apps.


source: androidandme