The Android Community is ever-changing: Meet your new EIC
Over the coming weeks and months you'll be seeing some changes here at Android Community. The first of which involves a little re-shuffling of roles. While I have been writing here on the site for a little more than a year, as of today I am stepping up with a bit more in terms of responsibility. Allow me to introduce myself as the new Editor-in-Chief.
I'm not going to be ducking out of the picture and going behind the scenes. In fact, my posts will still be coming on a regular basis during the week, and on a slightly less regular basis over the weekends. At risk of boring everyone with personal details, I will offer the short summary introduction -- I love just about anything tech related and spend more time than I care to admit thinking about smartphones and tablets. Outside of working is fairly simple, I am a husband and father (of two girls). I also spend more than an average amount of time running.
Along with posts from myself, Nate and JC will be rounding out the coverage with the former taking the daytime role and the latter taking the night. In addition to my regular posting, stepping up as EIC means I have plenty more to take care of -- first of which is to bring more of a community feel, as our name would suggest.
We are Android Community and we want to invite everyone in to be a part of the community. So having said that, we are encouraging you to reach out, whether good or bad.
In terms of the other changes, they will be content based. The Android scene is fast-paced, and it's easy for the news that's coming thick and fast to push everything else to the side. And well, while the news is exciting for the Android geeks to follow and keep up the minute with, we (the Android Community team) wanted to remember and fully acknowledge the other side of our reader base.
That other side involves those who aren't necessarily looking to buy. They are the group that is happy with their device, and happy to be using Android, but looking to learn a bit more in terms of tips and tricks. Basically, moving forward our coverage is still going to include all the important news such as device releases, but there will be plenty more.
If you're looking to do a bit of digging on me, feel free. There isn't anything overly exciting. You will likely find that I like to take pictures, go running and spend time with my family. I bounce between Twitter, Google+, Instagram, and Facebook.
Lastly, aside from visiting the Android Community team here on our regular site, we also have our Facebook, Google+ and Twitter accounts. We hope you will visit us at one, or all. And remember, we want to hear from you.
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