Thursday, January 30, 2014

DotEmu announces R-Type II, heading to Android devices in the near future

Published on Wednesday, 29 January 2014 09:04

DotEmu has announced what their next retro game port will be an it is the sequel to the arcade shooter franchise R-Type. Originally released by IREM in 1989, R-Type II is now slated for release onto Android and iOS in the near future. While there isn't a ton of details regarding this new game, we do have an early trailer that we get to check out.

R-Type II will have controls developed specifically for play on mobile devices. Interestingly enough you will have two options for our controls, Touch-based ones or a Virtual D-Pad. This game will also support Bluetooth controllers should you happen to own one. Of course there will be all the original content and visuals in this release. There will also be three different difficulty modes to work your way through: Unlimited, Normal and Insane.

If you're a fan of the R-Type franchise then you should get excited over this release of R-Type II. As for when it will actually hit the Google Play store or for how much, we don't exactly know that just yet. Until we post an update with that information, enjoy the trailer above.

Developer Website: DotEmu

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