Sunday, July 28, 2013

Video shows Vector Unit's new Riptide GP 2 running perfectly on Ouya

Vector Unit's newest addition to their catalog of awesome games happens to be the very recently released sequel to Riptide GP. While the game was just released onto Android and iOS, no official version has made its way over to Ouya. Of course that doesn't mean you can't side-load the game onto your Android-powered console after buying it off of Google Play and that is exactly what one Ouya owner did.
He also happened to film Riptide GP 2 running on his Ouya to show off the fact that the game runs perfectly on the console with no modification to it at all. It's the Google Play version simply side-loaded onto the Ouya. While side-loading games onto the console isn't exactly news, for those of you who have been wondering if Riptide GP 2 would work on it, you now have your confirmation it does.
Of course if you plan on doing this as well, be sure to buy your copy of Riptide GP 2 off of Google Play to support the developers. It's only $2.99. Check out the video above to see the game in action.
Thanks to Alexandre S. for sharing his video on Google+.

Google Play Link: Riptide GP 2
Website Referenced: YouTube