Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Square Enix soft launches a totally new Tomb Raider game on Android

Published on Tuesday, 14 April 2015 15:11

Recently we just had Square Enix release the original Tomb Raider game onto Android and now the company has announced that they are working with another developer to bring a whole new Tomb Raider game to Android called Tomb Raider Relic Run. Square Enix has teamed up with Crystal Dynamics and Simutronics for this particular Tomb Raider game.

So what is Tomb Raider Relic Run? Well as you are probably guessing from the game's name, you are probably thinking it is an endless runner of sorts and it kind of is. At the game's core it is an adventure running game but all the acrobatic type gameplay you're used to in Tomb Raider games has also been implemented into Relic Run. There also happens to be combat, vehicles, and boss fights to deal with including the much-loved T-Rex.

The visuals for Relic Run actually look quite good and players will not just be avoiding hazards while they run around, but you will also have to take out enemies and absolutely have to perform a lot of those acrobatics if you actually plan to get anywhere in this game. In other words, this game is actually pretty challenging, especially the further you get into it. Of course there is also a ton of collectible to gather as well.

Right now Tomb Raider Relic Run is available for residents of The Netherlands while it is in its soft launch phase. There is no specific release date for a global launch but it is free-to-play.

Thanks to Steve L. for the tip!

Official Website: Crystal Dynamics Blog

AndrewH - Andrew is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of DroidGamers. Having been a hardcore PC and console gamer all his life, this passion is now applied to Android gaming and writing about it. When not playing or writing about Android games, he spends his time with is wife and son.
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source: droidgamers