Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tumblr blog editing arrives with latest app update

Robert Nelson

Tumblr has had an Android app available for quite a while now, except there was some missing functionality. In the past Tumblr users were able to create posts, comment on posts and also reply to comments using the Android app. The missing piece was the ability to customize the look of their blog.

Well, that will change with this latest update. The official Tumblr blog announced the changes this morning and the update is already available from the Play Store. Once updated users will be able to make adjustments to the header image, switch out the fonts and also change up the colors.

As some may have expected, any changes made to the design using the mobile app will then carry over to your Dashboard. Or in other words, you'll be able to start customizing on one device, and pick up on the web or another mobile device. The folks at Tumblr have said this means users will now have 3.3 billion combinations to work with.

Sounds like quite a variety of design options will be available, but perhaps more important is how easy it should be to make changes. Tumblr Creative Director Peter Vidani has described the editor as being similar to WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get). This leads us to believe you should be able to quickly make changes and see previews of the new look.

The Tumblr app can be found using this Google Play Store link, however those with the app currently installed should keep an eye out for an update notification or simply visit the Play Store on their device.

VIA: GigaOm

SOURCE: Tumblr Blog


source: androidcommunity