Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Portal will be available on Google Play for NVIDIA Shield starting May 12

Pick up this classic PC game for $9.99 and get the best experience playing with a controller on Shield.

Portal has been winning awards from critics and praise from gamers since its first introduction in 2007, and the game is finally going mobile with a launch on the NVIDIA Shield. Following up after an announcement of the game for the Shield at GTC in March, Portal will be available to play in all its glory starting May 12th for $9.99.

Leveraging Valve's Source engine, Portal plays as an exact replica of the PC and console game on the NVIDIA Shield, with perfect support for the controller and landscape-only screen. Considering what this game requires in terms of resources it plays surprisingly well on the Shield, although I have to say there's a little bit of tweaking to do in the settings to make things just right. Graphics look good and best of all the controller input works flawlessly — from joysticks to buttons and triggers — and the mapping is customizable within the game.

source: androidcentral