Tuesday, April 29, 2014

500 Firepaper Update to V2 Brings Major Overhaul


It’s been a while since we talked about 500 Firepaper. For those who don’t remember, it’s an innovative application that downloads high quality wallpapers of various genres from the popular service 500px. XDA Senior Recognized Developer Chainfire recently announced a major overhaul to version 2.0.

What’s new in 500 Firepaper v2? The changelog is quite long and is covered on his Google+. These new features include a brand new option to pin a wallpaper for 7 days. Additionally, wallpaper history browsing has been refined, and it now supports swiping. The overall layout of the UI has been improved as well.

500 Firepaper v2 also brings the option to use hardware acceleration with live wallpapers. As stated by Chainfire, it’s still experimental and using can result in some serious issues due to some issues in Android itself, which isn’t ready to properly handle the new feature. Finally, some minor fixes were added here and there to make 500 Firepaper even more reliable.

You can find the latest, updated version of the application in the application thread.

source: xdadevelopers