Saturday, May 10, 2014

New features revealed for Gameloft's Modern Combat 5: Blackout

Published on Friday, 09 May 2014 07:22
Written by Alexander Burr

Gameloft has revealed new details on its latest upcoming edition of Modern Combat 5: Blackout. Last month we touched upon elements of the story and the locations the game will be taking the player to. This month they released new information on two new features, unified progression and player classes.

With Unified Progression MC5: Blackout will bring both your single player and multiplayer character progression together. Now when you play in single player mode and gain experience it will transfer to your multiplayer character and vice-versa. Each game type will increase your weapon score which will unlock individual weapons. As you play you will unlock better weapons and those will be able to be used in both single and multiplayer games.

The other new new feature will be player classes. There are four distinct classes you can play in both single player and multiplayer games. The classes include Assault, Heavy, Recon, and Sniper. Each class has a very particular set of skills, skill that can be acquired by that class alone. Skill that make you a nightmare for people you fight. Sorry I couldn't resist...

The Assault class is your good all around class. He is good at medium range combat and equips assault rifles and pistols. The Heavy is the class that can soak up more damage, He runs with shotguns and RPG's and is better at close and medium range fighting. The Recon class is your fast and up close fighter. He uses submachine guns and and pistols. The last class is the Sniper class. He is your long range class utilizing sniper rifles and pistols.

So these are some of the latest features that have been revealed for the game and Gameloft says that they will be releasing more information in the up coming weeks. All in all it looks like they are progressing nicely with the game and the development team is working hard on trying to give players a more intense story and game in both single player and multiplayer modes. For more game information or information on the company click the link below.

Developer Website: Gameloft

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source: droidgamers