Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Google Glass Explorers may soon be able to send money with Wallet

Google Glass users may soon be able to send money by saying "Ok Glass, Send Money." A Wallet app isn't yet available for Google Glass, however sources close to TechCrunch have said the app is currently being tested and expected to come available shortly.

A specific timeframe for a release hasn't been made available. Details suggest the Wallet app is being tested internally with installations limited to those actively connected to a computer on Google's corporate network. Aside from being able to send money, as the command would suggest, remaining features come down to speculation.

In addition to sending money, it looks like Glass users will be able to get notifications and updates on any purchases made using their Wallet account. Of course, this just goes back to the functionality we are already seeing from the Wallet app on an Android device. Time will tell how many Glass users will take to a Wallet app, but we are hoping to see some serious testing before this rolls out to current Explorers.

This seems to be a case where voice recognition will need to be really accurate. Or to add a level of comfort here, possibly adding in a confirmation before any money is actually sent because while a typo (due to inaccurate voice recognition) may not be the best thing to happen in a text message, it could be really bad when trying to send money.

SOURCE: TechCrunch

source: androidcommunity