Wednesday, March 5, 2014

How to use Knock Code on the LG G Pro 2

LG G Pro 2 Knock Code

Knock Code will come to other LG phones via software updates this year

With Knock On — wherein you tap the display twice to turn on your phone — has been one of our favorite new features of the past few months. LG introduced it with the LG G2 in 2013, and it returned with the LG G Flex toward the end of the year. And now, in 2014, LG's taking things a step further.

Introducing Knock Code. It's available now on the LG G Pro 2 and will come to other current LG phones later this year via a software update.

As the name implies, you'll no longer be limited to only unlocking your phone — now you'll be able knock (OK, tap, really) as a security function. 

Let's take a closer look.


source: androidcentral